Rhinestone nails are the ultimate glam design there is. It is for bold women or men who are not afraid to shine. The designs require a lot of creativity with a matching set of skills, tools, and patience. No wonder there are so many flabergasting options for fake press-on rhinestone nails to shop. You pick, you glue it, you glam ready. So, with no further do, here are the most coveted rhinestone nails designs to inspire you (some of them have hundreds of thousands of hits on Instagram) and the bestselling bling press-on to shop from Etsy. I hope you have a sparkling crystal time looking for your blistering nails.
Rhinestone Nail Sets & Designs
Tiny rhinestones, long nails.
Heart rhinestone.
The classic, but with a bling twist.
Glowing romance.
Girly luxury.
Shiny dots.
Blue rocks for good luck.
Sparkling Christmas
Black tortoise.

Full rhinestone nails set.