These are some cool and beautiful nature wallpapers for iPhone. There are so many types of wallpapers and aesthetic wallpapers we can choose for our phones. I particularly like to change them according to the mood or season. If you also do this, check out the seasonal wallpapers below:
55+ Aesthetic Spring Wallpapers for iPhone
40+ Cheerful Summer Wallpaper Ideas (Aesthetic Sunset, Beach, Ocean and More)
60+ Aesthetic Christmas Wallpaper Options for iPhone
If this is your first time here, just know that this site is all about organizing content by mood. So, the nature wallpaper is perfect if you are an adventurous person or are just in the mood for the outdoors, plants, and flowers and need some daily inspiration/representation on your phone
The nature wallpapers below are perfect to contemplate the magnitude of Mother Earth in all 4 seasons. So, from mountains to woods, snow, or foliage, just find the perfect one for you!
Woods and Forest Nature Wallpapers
Nature has so many shapes & colors that evoke all types of different moods in us. My favorite, though, is the Woods and forest’s enigmatic dark greens, tall trees, and moody atmosphere.

The strongest and purest water, carrying away the old leaves, washing our souls, and purifying everything around is certainly one of the most gorgeous gifts of nature and looks great on phone wallpapers.

Ocean & River
Check out here for more Ocean Wallpapers for iPhone (Waves, Aesthetic & More)

Macro Nature
Macro photographs of leaves showing the perfection of nature details look gorgeous for those who want a minimalist approach to the natural background.

Butterflies are probably one of the most loved little beings in nature, no wonder we made a whole post dedicated to butterfly wallpaper for iPhone.

Sunset and sunlight are also iconic nature element that deserves to be in this post (even though we have whole aesthetic sunset wallpapers for iPhone post here)

We can’t make a post honoring nature without gorgeous blooming flowers! Check out many more options at this Aesthetic Flower iPhone Wallpaper Ideas for lovers of Floral Backgrounds.

Springy Nature Wallpapers
If your favorite nature mood is when it shows its pretty colors during spring, these are the wallpapers for you. Check here for more 55+ Aesthetic Spring Wallpapers for iPhone.

Fall & Autumn Nature Wallpapers
These ones are for lovers of nature fall aesthetics.

Snow and Winter Nature Wallpapers
From the cozy relaxing fall wallpapers, now is the time for when nature shows its white wonderland magic with these snow and winter wallpapers.

Earth & Montains