Wallpapers of Sunsets are some of the most popular wallpapers for iPhone, especially during summertime.
I have already made a post with gorgeous summer wallpapers and ocean wallpapers for iPhone, and now is time for sunset lovers.
I love sunrises, but sunsets hit me in a much more special way. Sunsets mark that time of the day when you get ready to meet with the peacefulness and resting time of the evening and the way it colors the sky with shades of bright orange, pink and purple is just magical.
Sunsets at the beach are one of the most delightful gifts of nature. It is impossible not to feel a slight improvement in your mood and boost of energy after witnessing the sun going to rest behind the majestic infinitude of the ocean. I love sunsets so much.
Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you are like me, you will enjoy the beautiful sunset wallpapers below!
Sunset Wallpapers for iPhone
When we think about gorgeous sunsets, the first imagery that comes to mind is likely the sunset at the beach. The transition of day to night can look stunning in many other more ordinary contexts, so the sunset wallpapers below will please any sunset lover, even those who are more urban.
Sunset at the Beach wallpapers
Beach sunset wallpapers are probably the most popular types of wallpapers of sunsets, after all, the reflection of the sun on the waves and the golden magnitude of nature caused by the stunning marriage between the sun, the air, and the ocean are just magically breathtaking.
Starting with the classic bright orange moody sunsets by the ocean.

Sunset and surf-inspired wallpapers!

Below are more minimalist, aesthetic and soft perspectives on the beach sunset.

Pink sunsets by the beach.

Abstract sunset mood wallpapers.

Urban sunsets wallpapers
Urban sunsets wallpapers, although less popular are also amazing. It can give some hope and a glint of happiness on someone’s busy day in the city. I bet people who live in grey and rainy cities such as London would give a lot for a sunset sight every day. If you love the balance between nature and urban scenes, these are the sunsets for your iPhone.

Sunset art wallpapers
Below are some beautiful and soulful visual representations of the sunset.

River and lake sunset wallpapers
Sunsets on the beach are amazing, but river & lake sunsets are not that popular and are still a gift from nature to our eyes & moods.

Nature and Landscapes Sunset Wallpapers
Aesthetic wallpapers of the sunset in other landscapes, such as desert, snow, or in a sky full of clouds.

🌻 See also: 40+ Joyful Sunflower Wallpapers for iPhone (Free and HD)

Snow landscapes

And to finish, these gorgeous sunset wallpapers make a stunning composition with lovely animals.