Daisy is probably one of the most loved flowers in the world, making aisy wallpapers extremely popular. This aesthetically pleasing and highly photogenic little flower gets its highest moment of fame during summertime, after all, its yellow and white colors evoke the lightness and cheerfulness of summer, with a touch of romanticism.
Below you and press and save to your phone some lovely daisy wallpaper ideas.
Daisy Wallpapers
Just the classic daisy flower on beautiful photographs and patterns as a background.

Daisy aesthetic Wallpapers
Aesthetic wallpapers with daisies that evoke a mood or lifestyle associated with the symbolism of daisies: outdoorsy, vintage, slow, and delicate.

Pastel cute and vintage aesthetic daisies for the old souls who love Bridgerton and jane austen aesthetic.

Cottagecore daisies

omfy aestheteti sdaisies

Minimalist daisies for the minimal souls who loves this flower;

Pink daisies wallpaper is for people who, just like daisies, are super feminine, and wants an extra girlish touch.

Yellow daisies are a cheerful option to celebrate the springy and summer moods evoked by daisies on your phone background.

Purple daisies backgrounds are less common, yet stunning.

Blue daisies backgrounds.

Also an option for Orange admirers.

For an extra touch of nature, Green daisy wallpapers.

And of course, super Cute daisy wallpapers.

Daisies over a Dark background also look stunning.