There is a huge variety of baby teething toys in the market, but for this post, I handpicked the best teethers on the internet for the little explorer. From the bonfire baby to the animal lover, your baby can awake their wanderlust at the very beginning.
Woodland Critters has been a trendy theme in mommyverse for a long time! There is this magic surrounding all forest and adventure-themed stories, and we can stimulate little ones to love nature and its creatures by inserting these elements in our babies’ lives!
I have also found super cute Safari teethers around the web to add to this post. So, if your little one is a little explorer, this is the post to find the perfect teether for them.
☾ Affiliate Disclosure: The Mood Guide celebrates women’s moods and versatility. Even though we may earn a commission from some of your purchases, we encourage you to shop with the right intention. Focusing your energy on what you feel confident and comfortable in is empowering! ♥︎
Graphic Designer, curator, creator and dreamer. My expertise in visual and Jungian symbology and myths gives me background and purpose to help you romanticize your life with meaning. A believer that women should respect their moods and cycles to be who and what she wants.