

Learning about nature early on instigates children’s curiosity by encouraging them to want to go out and explore. More than developing the senses, a child who grows with a lot of contact with nature is also less likely to develop depression and obesity, thus more likely to be healthy and happy.


I grew up free and always loved to play outdoors, so I truly believe nature is the best playground and school there is. I find it very difficult to choose books for Maya. So, as I am a designer, I first choose by the cover, and then I search the reviews on Instagram and Amazon. In my searches on the web, I came across beautiful and interesting books that instigated my curiosity as well. It would be great at age 32 to learn the basics of camping in a simple and didactic way, for example.


So let’s go to my top 10 nature books for children with great Amazon reviews and beautiful covers that I want to buy for Maya and would be useful for me too.

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The Mood Guide is designed to surface the best-rated things to buy, all visually organized by mood. Doing this job is hard and handy work, but I honestly believe it can be very useful for many women.

That being said, I might get a small commission for some purchases that are made here. But don’t worry, you won’t pay anything extra for this ?✨.

?I am the Seed that Grew the Tree:

Learn about nature with poems! I see this as a double learning, and the illustrations are super cute.


?Sunflower Shoots and Muddy Boots

This one is to teach your little one all about gardening!
Important to understand the value of caring and nurturing to flourish with life, health and beauty 😀


?Animals at Night

To understand the typical animals of each region of the world. The illustrations make you feel like you are in the African savannah or in a South American rainforest.


?The Big Book of Birds

Knowing how other animals behave makes us learn and rethink a lot our own behavior. Birds particularly interest me for their lightness and freedom. And, of course, the illustrations are stunning!



That was the only one that got me more for the title than the cover. It is very important for our little humans to know early on that bees are fundamental to nature’s cycle. Without them, we simply can’t exist. A great book for children to learn in a playful and intelligent way why we shouldn’t kill bees.


?The Lost Book of Adventure

This is definitely one I’m going to buy for Maya (she’s only 3 months old so she still has only a few picture books). I always feel stupid when I reflect that 500 years ago people were guided by the stars, and today we don’t even know how to make fire with natural elements. I found this book more than an adventure book, but an excellent ¨ learn the basics of survival without technology and everything ready in your hands and be a more humble, creative and intelligent human being¨.


?Curious Kids Nature Guide


I found this great for a program in nature with your little one. Take the book, comfortable clothes, and your kid and take a trip to the northwest Pacific to identify the elements and animals in the book together. Your child will feel like a real explorer, and we know that learning from practice is always better.


?Wild World

Another 2 in one, to learn about nature with poems about the biome and the natural world.


? A Year of Nature Poems

Yep, poems and pretty illustrations again!
I believe that the musicality of the poem makes reading more dynamic, interactive and interesting for children.


?Encyclopedia of Strangely Named Animals


It reminded me a lot of the kind of books Harry Potter would have to buy for Herbology class, and the names of the animals themselves all seem to come out of the book. I love Harry Potter and strange things and that’s why I really want this book.


? Adventures with Barefoot Critters

Alphabet books are always important, and this one caught my attention because the alphabet is not only attached to figures but rather inserted in a story about nature. I don’t even need to talk about the illustrations…


?Natures Day

Come one, look at this cover, is so pretty! And the Instagram definition below made me very curious.


? Beautiful Birds

Alphabet and birds illustrations again…with neon colors!



The simplicity of the name and the cover illustration. This is not only about nature, but also about friendship.


?World Of Oceans

When I was a teenager, before I became a designer, I wanted to be a diver and find lost treasures in the sea. In my head, the ocean was much more important than the continent, since the planet was more made of water than of land, so I had the dream of exploring this mysterious and wet world and living among the fishes. I do not know if Maya is going to have that mermaid spirit like me, but I see this book as a beautiful way to show her the richness and diversity of the oceans so she understands the importance of preserving this biodiversity.


?A Girls Guide to the Wild

This is a brand new book I accidentally found on Instagram. I loved the cover and the author’s definition about inspiring girls to be brave, inquisitive and adventurous


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