I made a small journey through my best memories to create this list and help millennial moms (~24 to 39 years old) take their kids to a magical adventure.
I LOVE movies since I can remember. They give me knowledge, allow me to dream, and takes my mind to a totally new universe and time. I think watching movies is one of the best ways to keep myself motivated to reach a new reality and a new goal. They somehow make me feel that everything is possible, and that’s why I want to motivate my baby girl to be a movie lover herself.
Now, It is not that I don’t like movies for kids these days, they are very cool, but, sometimes I just feel they lack some convincing MAGIC you know. Maybe it is just me being nostalgic, but I definitely want my daughter to watch those and see if she will get ¨the feeling¨ I am talking about.
So, no more talking, grab your pop corn, and enjoy the ride with your little one!
A Little Princess – 1995:
This movie just feels magical. It teaches that all girls are princesses, regardless of social status or skin color, and is such a lesson about how to properly understand a child’s ludic mind. Also, the movie aesthetic is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen on TV (same director from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Gravity). I remember feeling so unique and special after watching it! Just a heads up: don’t read Amazon comments if you still didn’t watch this movie because they are so full of spoilers!

â¨Â Read A Little Princess Book: Original Book â baby and toddler book â Children and Kids Book
The Secret Garden – 1993:
Another movie that I remember feeling in some magical place in my mind when watching as a child. Another orphanage girl teaching a young rich British boy about life. The morals of this one definitely hit hard in adults!

â¨Â READ THE SECRET GARDEN BOOK: Complete Text â Illustrated for young people â for baby and toddler â 100 Copy Collector’s Edition
The Sound of Music – 1965 :
Such a Classic! Let kids be kids and you will get the best of them!

⨠THE SOUND OF MUSIC BOOKS: Scrapbook â Beginner piano book â The Sound of Music Story
The Goonies-1985:
Are in you the mood to go on a big adventure? This movie will certainly take you there. For boys and girls, this one awakens the spirits and the brave side of your little one (and maybe yours too!)

Hocus Pocus – 1993
Classic, funny and amazing Disney family movie, I dont know one children on earth who doesnt love it!

⨠HOCUS POCUS BOOKS and MERCHAN: Hocus Pocus and the all new sequel â Hocus Pocus in Focus â Winifred Funko â Book of Spells
The Wizard of OZ – 1939
¨True Courage is in facing danger when you are afraid¨.
Follow the yellow brick road and become a child again!

⨠The Wizard of Oz and MERCHAN: Baby Litâ Oz the Complete Colectionâ
The Princess Bride – 1987
This is so not your typical princess movie. So fanny and full of sarcasm and a lot of movies as shows uses it as reference.

⨠The Princess Bride BOOKS: Deluxe Editionâ Making Of (NYT Bestseller) â Coloring Pages â For Baby
Jumanji – 1995 –
Probably the one I watched more times from this list! If your kid loves this one, he certainly has an adventurous soul!

⨠Jumanji Merchan: Board Game â For Baby
Matilda – 1996
I saw this one again as an adult, and it moved me so much more than as a child. Matilda is such a sensitive and special girl. Every adult should watch this!
¨âSo Matildaâs strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone.â¨(That was so me when I was a teenager. I get you, Matilda)

⨠Matilda Book
Casper – 1995
Which girl didnt go crazy when he finally becomes a real boy?

The Pagemaster – 1994
All about Adventure and magic here too. A 2D animation with live action.
¨âHoney. Never say never, because sometimes youâve got to fight to make a wish come true.â

Richie Rich – 1994
A lot of adventures in this movie, no too much magic, though. Even though having your own mc Donald’s at home sounds as surreal as living in Hogwarts to me!

Hook – 1991
Also a story that is great to entertain children but comes with a big moral for adults!

E.T – 1982
¨Be Good!¨

Peter Pan – 2003
¨I do believe in fairies!I do! I do!¨. Very hard to pick a favorite from this list, but This one wins!

Did I miss any? What is your favorite? How those movies made you feel in your childhood and after watching as an adult? If you know some recent movies for children with the 80s and 90s vibes, please leave in the comments!